Who is hope for?

Second day of Christmas means second day of my hope blogging challenge.

As I wrote yesterday, I am doing this as a challenge together with a guy from New Zealand. This also means that he posts ahead of me every day.

Today in my morning (his evening) we talked about how it is nice that we have this common challenge, because otherwise we would not get it done. Then Ed wrote “I am giving myself permission to do it mainly for me” – and I realised that I am doing this mainly for other.

I took up the challenge because I wanted to induce hope to others and that has worried me. So I put a lot of pressure on me to make it good enough. Will I be able to help people find hope with what I write? Will it be good enough? Will it make a difference for anyone?

Besides that I put a lot of pressure on myself, it is also a typical thing for me to do: helping others before thinking about myself, so it got me thinking.

Once again it made me aware that I am much better at caring for others than for myself. I still do not have any solutions for what to do, but I do know that I need to start creating hope for me and not only for others.